Last weekend, I had the privilege to talk to a group of single ladies in church; I spoke to them about the wheel of life and its importance in having a fulfilling existence.

Sometimes, I am worried for our youths, especially those from the middle belt of Nigeria. We have many of them focused only on romantic relationships and not giving attention to the other areas of life; their productivity level is almost at zero.

I noticed a general increase in women who are career centred, neglecting their homes and children.

God’s design is a balanced universe; when we focus on one aspect of living to the detriment/underdevelopment of the other areas, we stagnate. The aspects we have failed to build will continually pull us down.

It is, therefore, advisable to grow as a rounded person – even when it seems slower initially, your progress will be consistent. The eight areas that constitute the wheel of life are;

Spirituality, life purpose and legacy Finance, Love/romance (significant others), Career , Health, mental health and fitness

Relationships, Fun, recreation and adventure, Education and personal development

No one of these areas is more important than the other; they are all equally vital to your happiness and fulfilment. Neglecting any of these sectors will limit your experience of well-being.

Here are some examples to explain;

  1. If one goes after career success at the detriment of his/her health, s/he will spend the rest of their life managing poor health, or that person’s life will be cut short.
  • As humans, we are made for connection; relationships are vital, and it is dangerous to go through life destroying relationships for any reason. Do your best to live in peace with all.
  • A brother committed to a religious fellowship who does nothing to make an income; will soon become a nuisance to the members of his group, and he will lose his respect in the process. He hampers his ability to enjoy life to the fullest (which God desires); because of his lack of financial productivity.

How balanced is your life?

In which of the eight areas have you been lagging? What can you begin to do to create a well-rounded life?

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