Oblete Francis E.

Oblete Francis E. has been involved in the design and construction of various projects across Nigeria with over a decade experience. He brings to the table industry expertise and experience that translates into value that touches lives positively.

He is also a public speaker, a trainer and a marriage counselor with a mandate to help men embrace their masculinity and take their place in the family and society at large as leaders. He is a graduate of building from the University of Jos, Nigeria and a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP).

Nancy Oblete

Nancy Oblete is a marriage and relationship coach, a master practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, an entrepreneur, a public speaker and teacher who believes that the approach to family/marriage therapy should be holistic taking into account financial growth and education, behavioural and addiction challenges, parenting, in addition to the couple’s relationship to assist couples have and maintain as stable and happy home. Her teaching starts from the core of the issue, addressing the human factor and psychology.

Having studied across these disciplines and glided wisdom which she shares in seminars and workshops, in speeches and coaching sessions leaving clients empowered to produce the desired results in their lives and families. As an entrepreneur, her knowledge of human relationship and interaction both with self and others makes it possible for her to help individuals, groups and organizations attain growth.